
1943 Ninth Freshman Class to Live in Yard

Harvard Union Center for Freshman Activities; Organizations Await '43

A CRIMSON questionnaire late in the spring of 1938 disclosed that 85 per cent of Harvard's upperclassmen participate in some extra-curricular activity. Athletics led the list in popularity, closely followed by publications, Phillips Brooks House (social service center), with music, athletic managing, Student Union (political society), debating, and dramatics trailing in that order.

In the publications field members of the class of '43 may choose from a field of six. Oldest of Harvard undergraduate periodicals is venerable Mother Advocate, literary magazine founded in 1866. The Lampoon monthly humor magazine, and the CRIMSON, college daily, complete the traditional trinity. Other magazines are the Guardian, social science organ; the Progressive, newly founded mouthpiece of the Student Union; and the Monthly, sporadic competitor of the Advocate.

Some Other Activities

P.B.H. annually sends out hundreds of volunteer workers to settlement houses in greater Boston, aids foreign students, supplies speakers, holds Harvard - Radcliffe teas, and sponsors a number of other activities. There is a separate Freshman Committee.

Musicians may choose from among the Glee Club; Harvard's famous band; the Instrumental Clubs, which annually stage a variety show; and the Pierian Sodality of 1808, the University's symphony orchestra.


Political Groups

The Student Union is difficult to classify. A descendant of the old Liberal Club and an affiliate of the American Student Union, it is a combination of a political forum, political study society, and non-partisan liberal pressure group. There is usually a large and active Freshman division.

A smaller and newer political organization is the independents, which appeared on the Harvard scene two years ago as the Young Conservatives.

Big gun in Harvard dramatics is the Harvard Dramatic Club, which gives its annual performance in the spring. Productions are also staged by the Classical Club, Poets Theatre, and Instrumental Clubs.

Interest clubs include the Circolo Italiano, German Club (Verein Turmwaochter), Cercle Francais, and Slavie Circle; the Pistol and Rifle clubs, which practice in the basement of Memorial Hall; and the Flying Club and Mountaineering Club.
