

Today the Crimson will distribute at the various Freshman dining halls a questionnaire which, when carefully filled out by any first-year men who have comment to make on the courses they are about to conclude, will form the basis for the Crimson's 1939 Guide to Freshman Courses. This Guide, as is the custom, will be sent to each new Freshman next September in an effort to help the neophyte to avoid the pitfalls of Freshman year which can so easily be dodged if a measure of thoughtful advice on instructors and courses is forthcoming. It has been for several years the Crimson's aim to furnish this advice to new men; hence, the Confidential Guide has become a traditional aid to incoming, Freshmen. This year, minus its somewhat misleading title, "Confidential," the Freshman Guide will be written to stress student opinion on first year courses, disregarding for the autumn at least the secondary problem of choice of fields of concentration.

While the Crimson will emphasize consideration of the obstacles confronting the new Freshmen, this will be impossible without the sincere co-operation of the Class of 1942. to those of you who have either criticism or praise for the courses you have been taking, we ask responsible replies to the easily-answered queries on the blanks. Only in this way can the innumerable petty and some times gross misfires in the Freshman curriculum be called to the attention of next year's class. Only by your studied answers can we offer to the Class of '43 a heritage of counsel which cannot help but result in more mature use of Harvard's varies and vacillating electives.
