
Jack Sullivan Pitches As Yardlings Get Win Over Boston Latin Nine

Samborski's '42 Nine Bunches Hits In Fifth to Triumph 5-4

Pitching steadily after a shaky first inning, Jack Sullivan, in his mound debut led the Yardling baseball squad to a close 5 to 4 victory over a tenacious Boston Latin School nine yesterday afternoon in a game played at Soldiers Field.

Besides striking out nine of the old mates and issuing only two passes, Sullivan's sharp bingle to center in the big fifth helped account for the three runs scored in that frame.

Getting off to a quick start with a single by Lambert, the opposition accounted for two markers in the first bracket when Manekofsky followed suit with a long smash to center field that went for a home run.

The Bostonians kept this lead until the fifth inning when the Samborskimen combined an enemy error and two bases on balls with three sparkling one-base hits by Bill Parsons, Bud Fine gan, and Sullivan to push in three tallies.

Gil, Whittemore was spark plug of the Yearling batting attack, cracking out three bingles, two of which figured in one run rallies, first is the sixth and then again in the eighth.
