Forty-one nominations for the second Senior Election to fill the posts of Class Secretary, Class Day Committee, and Permanent Class Committee were announced last night.
Voting will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14 and 15. Additions to the list may be made by petitions signed by 25 members of the Senior class and handed in to Theodore Hazlett '40, chairman of the Election Committee, on Friday from 3 to 5 o'clock, in his room, Kirkland K-22.
The only remaining Senior office to be filled is that of Ivy Orator, who will be chosen after a competition to be held by the Class Day Committee and the three Marshals, Richard H. Sullivan '33, Robert L. Green '39, and F. Austin Harding '39.
Officers' Functions
Permanent Class Secretary must be a resident of Boston or vicinity. The Class Day Committee, consisting of seven members, has charge of all the Class Day exercises.
Duties of the Permanent Class Committee include running reunions, filling vacancies on the Committee, and generally acting for the graduated class. It has six elected members, with the Class Secretary and Treasurer as ex-office members.
Nominations were made by a committee of Seniors composed of William L. Calfee, chairman, Richard S. Benner, Kenneth L. Booth, Hughes Call, Calep Foote, Laurence S. Levy, and Paul R. Wentworth.
Senior Class Office Nominations
Cleveland Amory
Robert M. Bunker
Richard S. Banner
Morton G. Freed
Charles A. Meyer
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