
Yardlings Defeat Yale Booters, 1-0

Herskovits Kicks Winning Goal; Season Closes With Only Two Defeats

The Yardling booters, after a hard-fought battle, triumphed over a stubborn Bulldog Pappy eleven 1 to 0 Saturday morning.

Aided by a strong wind, the '43 team kept up in the first quarter a sustained attack which enabled "Herky" Herskovits to kick in the winning tally. For the rest of the first half, the two teams were deadlocked.

In the last quarter, when it was the Elis turn to benefit by the wind, they stormed the Harvard not with a vengeance. But the efficient work of the backs, led by Al Merck and goalie Joe Phelan, held the desperate Blue team without a score.

The highlight of the game was Joe Phelan's thrilling catch of a Yale penalty kick in the fourth quarter. It was this save more than anything else that inspired the Yardlings to stop those last minute Blue drives at any cost.

This victory gave Captain Jack Calhoun's eleven a successful season of only two defeats in a long and hard schedule.
