


If it is not too much to be asking on the morning before the first houseparty night of the season, we have always wanted to know just what were the great benefits bestowed upon the nation by the nineteenth or woman's suffrage amendment--a law which was ballyhooed to set America on the road to Utopia?

According to the history books--we were too young to know about it from personal experience--female suffrage would stamp out vice, greed and crookedness in politics, bad morals, drinking, smoking, and swearing, and would bring peace to America.

The vice which the ladies played to the skies when they were agitating for equal rights is raging just about as strongly as ever before, if we can believe what we read in the New York Mirror....

The women voted for Hucy Long, and were the strongest faction behind James J. Walker, and thought Mr. Harding was a fine president, and backed Big Bill Thompson....

As for drinking and swearing, it is getting so a respectable citizen who wants to drop into one of Hanover's restaurants during houseparty time for a quiet scrambled eggs and coffee cannot avoid being embarrassed by the language and mental condition of the girls who are guests of the town over the weekend....


It's not that we're advocating repeal of the law, but we are exercising our right to say that we don't take much stock in equality between the sexes. The girls who will be up here this weekend are, most of them, products of 'higher' education among women, and they are a hard drinking, hard swearing lot, and not one in a hundred who wouldn't flunk out of Dartmouth College. --The Daily Dartmouth
