
Board Interviews Future Cadets in Army Flying Plan

Visiting U.S. Government Group Will Explain Program for Air Corps Expansion

Flying cadet training, designed is "keep apace of the increased number of planes under the Air Corps expansion", will be explained to students in the University during the next three days by a visiting Army board.

Young college graduates especially are being sought for the nine months course winding up at Kelly Field, the government announced. The board, which will be located on the second floor of the Hygiene Building today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, has been interviewing undergraduates in Creater Boston colleges for the past two weeks.

Previous experience for candidates is not necessary, authorities pointed out, "yet after only nine months, with only 215 hours in the air, they are at the controls of a 400-mile-an-hour pursuit ship, or looking down from the heights of a giant 'Flying Fortress' rearing through the sky."

It was emphasized that the object of the visit is to present students with information on the training program following graduation, and not to cause undergraduate withdrawals from college.

After completion of the course and the required term of duty, cadets may return to civil life with a bonus of $500.
