

Yot all your understanding of the saints

Has left you free of customary taints:

I sought in vain that intellectual glitter

I felt, instead, your features helped make clear

Why children might alone come heaven near;


As those were left by Matthew, Mark and John,

Those words by Robert Herrick have lived on:

"Here a little child I stand

Having up my little hand;

Cold as paddocks though they be

Here I lift them up to thee,

For a benison to fall

On our meat, and on us all."

The Little Child ;who mumbled out his grace

Must be suprised to see it in this place. . . .

But when in years to come he knows him well

Who soon will live where living spirits dwell,

He will, I'm sure, in this Men see a trace

Of his own youthfulness, and youthful grace. David Simboli '40
