
Samborski Report Of Last Year On House Athletics


Under this plan, which has been approved by the Masters of the seven Houses and other University authorities, there will be an "Inter-House Athletic Council" consisting of one Master chosen by the House Masters, the Director of Athletics, the Director of Intramural Athletics, and eight House Athletic Secretaries. This Council will act as a general co-ordinating and advisory body and will make recommendations on matters of policy.

The House athletic secretaries will be Seniors and will have the immediate responsibility of carrying out the details of the program in their respective Houses. In each House two Juniors will be appointed assistant secretaries--one of those to be the secretary in his Senior year. The secretaries and the assistants will receive compensation for their services.

(Ed Note: The CRIMSON has extracted the names of the new secretaries from Mr. Samborski's report and printed them instead in the adjoining column on this page.)

The eight secretaries, William J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, and Adolph W. Samborski, Director of Intramural Athletics, and a House master to be appointed, will comprise the Inter-House Athletic Council.

III. Eligibility Rules


Unless the Inter-House Athletic Committee approved special rulings for different sports, the eligibility rules for inter-House participation were:

1. House residents, graduates or undergraduates, may represent their respective Houses in those sports in which they are not Varsity lettermen.

2. House residents, while members of Varsity, Second and Third Varsity and 150 Pound sport squads may not represent their respective Houses in these same sports.

3. Members of the upper three classes only (and not graduates), who do not reside in the Houses but who are granted a House privilege such as library, dining hall, etc. by a House Master, may represent that same House.

4. Only upper class members of Dudley Hall non-Residents' Center may compete for Dudley in league contests.

5. Men on probation for scholastic reasons may take part in the final games between the Harvard Houses and the Yale Colleges, and may enter informal contests with preparatory schools.

IV. Program of Sports and Results

1. Major Sports

Football--Won by Kirkland, 2 (tie) Eliot and Winthrop, 4 Lowell, 5 Adams, 6 Leverett, 7 Dunster, 8 Dudley.

Squash--League A--won by Lowell, 2 Dunster, 3 Kirkland, 3 (tie) Eliot and Leverett, 6 Adams, 7 Winthrop.
