

Gulick Lectures for Last Time at Nine Tomorrow--Killam Ends Active Duty Saturday

Saturday at 12 o'clock in Emerson D. Alfred North Whitehead, professor of Philosophy, gives his last lecture as an active member of the University. Professor Whitehead becomes Emeritus at the close of this academic year, but the Reading Period puts the full stop at the end of his teaching career this week.

"Man and Genius" will be the subject of Thursday's lecture, bringing the course, Philosophy 3, "The Function of Reason," back to its human origin, and on Saturday Professor Whitehead will lecture on an unannounced subject.

Joining the faculty of this University in 1924. Professor Whitehead came here after many years at both Cambridge and the University of London. He taught mathematics early in his career, but concentrated more in later years on the philosophical aspects of science.

Among the works which he has published are "Religion in the Making," "The Aim of Education," "Adventures of Ideas," and "The Function of Reason."

Gulick Gives Last


Charles B. Gulick, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, also retires from active duty after his lecture in Greek 8, "Plato and Aristotle," tomorrow at 9 o'clock.

In the School of Architecture, Charles W. Killam, professor of Architecture, and a member of the faculty since 1908, becomes inactive after his Saturday lecture.

Abbott Also Retires

Wilbur C. Abbott, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History, lectures today at 10 o'clock in History 42, in Emerson A and for the last time faces a class as an active member of the University.

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