
Decomposition of Protein Chief Cause Of Gastro-Intestinal Disturbances

Prof. Smillie of Medical School Says Epidemic Frequent In Colleges

How is it possible to keep all this food clean and fresh and pure? The Federal Government aids by an elaborate system of inspection of inter-state shipment of food. The State has an extensive organization of food inspection with expert laboratory service and comprehensive laws, with heavy penalties for violation. Each local municipality has its system of food inspection, with regulations concerning food handling, refrigeration, storage, transportation, and sale of food.

Kitchens Are Spick and Span

The last and most important link is the University kitchen. Every modern method that has been devised for cleanly handling of food has been installed. Only the highest quality of food is purchased. All the milk and cream is pasteurized.

Everything is spick and span. All the dishes are thoroughly cleansed. Every employee in the kitchen is under medical inspection. He must be cleanly in his habits, and he is taught the principles of food sanitation. If ill, he must not work, but is given leave of absence with pay. Refrigeration temperatures of all food are under constant check. No food is allowed to accumulate, to spell, or to be utilized as left-overs.

Occasional Outbreaks inevitable


Despite all these precautions--federal inspection, state supervision, local health department food inspection and every precaution taken by the University staff--an occasional outbreak of gastro-intestinal illness occurs.

These are practically inevitable because of the complexity of our mode of life and the great number of processes that are required in bringing our wide variety of food stuffs from the farm to the table.

No epidemic of serious food-borne infection such as typhoid fever, or septic sore throat, has occurred in the University for many years. Our experience with the mild forms of gastro-intestinal outbreaks is almost identical with that of other colleges and universities, as well as that of the best type of hotels and restaurants.
