
On The Rack

The Guardian

Of the summaries, now an accepted and very valuable feature of the "Guardian," the one on the National Recovery Act deserves special commendation for succinct lucidity.

"Who will watch the guardians themselves?" is the inviting slogan of the magazine. Well, if I am to be the watchdog this time, I will bark and say that the November issue has taken on a bit of the color of the month in which it appears.

The "Harvard Guardian" is a great enterprise, and one in which I believe 100% but there seems to be a bit too much "Harvard," and too little "Guardian" this time.

How to remedy the danger of becoming too ingrown is hard to say. It would seem highly desirable for the "Guardian" to develop sufficient standing to be receiving articles from men outside the immediate vicinity of the Yard.

There must be many men trained in the social sciences here, but active now in the outside world, in government, business, and journalism, who have significant points of view which the "Guardian" might make it its business to draw out, and thus keep us all in touch with each other.


Videant custodes, ne Universitas detrimentum capiat
