
List of Today's 62 Degree Recipients

Friedrich Meinecke, of the University of Berlin, History.

Wesley Clair Mitchell, of Columbia, Economics.

Eduard Norden, of the University of Berlin, Classical Philology.

John Howard Northrop, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City.

Antonie Pannekoek, of the University of Amsterdam, Astronomy.


Paul Pelliot, of the College de France, History.

Jean Piaget, Geneva, Scientific Thought.

Frederick Maurice Powicke, of the University of Oxford, History.

William Emmanuel Rappard, of the University of Geneva, Public Finance.

Dennis Holme Robertson, of the University of Cambridge, Economics.

Michael Ivanovich Rostovtzeff, of Yale, History.

Leopold Rusicka, of the Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Chemistry.

Kiyoshi Shiga, of Kitasota Institute, Tokyo, Medicine.

Hu Shih, of the National University of Peiping, Philosophy.

Filippo Silvestri, of the Regia Scuola Superiore de Agricultura, Portici, Italy, Zoology.

Hans Spemann, of the University of Freiburg, Boology. Nobel Prize winner.

The Svedberg, of the University of Upsala, Sweden, Chemistry. Nobel Prize winner.

Leopold Wenger, of the University of Vienna; Law
