
Over 65,000 Fans Expected to Witness Football Classic in Yale Bowl Today

Evening of Festivity and Gayety Sets Keynote of Weekend at New Haven

With an estimated crowd of between 65,000 and 70,000 football fans beginning the migration to New Haven tonight, the town took on a strange appearance of bustling activity in preparation for the colorful week end which will be climaxed tomorrow afternoon in the struggle at the Bowl.

In spite of the recently unearthed Connecticut State law dealing with "red flags" which caused a furor both here and in Cambridge a steady throng of Harvard undergraduates poured into town this afternoon, bringing along numerous Crimson banners which are the center of attack. The Yale student body spent the better part of the day in preparation for the numerous social and athletic activities which are planned to entertain the visitors from Cambridge and a host of invading female guests.

The campus tonight is crowded with old grads. The only topic of conversation is the game tomorrow. Such gathering places as the Hotel Taft lobby and the Graduate Club are scenes of unusual festivity and gayety. The air is pervaded with a keen excitement and strains of Yale and Harvard football songs reach the ear from all quarters. The only anxiety which is in evidence is over the weather situation, as rooters for both sides have absolute confidence in the powers of their respective teams. Eyes are constantly turned toward the sky where a misty moon gives some hope for a line day tomorrow.

First in the limelight tonight is the concert to be given by the combined Yale and Harvard Glee Clubs in Sprague Hall and which will be attended by a large crowd of undergraduates and their guests. Following this the crowd will flock to formal dances which are being held in five of the academic and Sheffield fraternities around the campus. Most of the fraternities have engaged well known orchestras and entertainers for the evening and dancing will last until 2:00 o'clock in the morning and in the case of St. Anthony till 5:00 o'clock.


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