
Bolman Gives Oration, Lansing Reads Poem in Colorful Class Day Program

Picturesque Procession Marches to See Harvard Meet Defeat at Hands of Eli Nine

The baseball game began soon afterwards with a cold wind blowing and the crowd shivering. After the first few innings, the people began to melt away and a crowd which had been capacity at the first of the game soon dwindled to a mere nothing.

Things Noticed

The Class of 1929 pushing around a half dozen or so miniature baby-carriages in which tiny pigs were reclining.

A member of 1925, in full class costume, carrying a wooden cross and a shovel, bound in an aimless fashion for the baseball stands.

The two bands at the baseball game trying to play Harvard songs in unison from two opposite sides of the field. The result was two bands in three-quarters of same time.


The very active and busy Junior Ushers, captained by Thomas H. Quinn '36, in the absence of Shaun Kelly '36, who wandered around and looked efficient.

Four Junior Ushers advancing to receive the colors from the graduating class in the absence of the officers of the Freshman Class 1938.

The members of the Class of 1932 pushing an iron wheelbarrow filled with cracked ice, etc.
