Article VIII
Similar procedure shall be followed immediately after the sexennial reunion. The three members then elected to the class committee shall serve until after the fifteenth anniversary reunion. The members thus chosen at the elections held after the decennial and subsequent anniversary reunions shall hold office for terms of ten years.
Article IX
No member of the class committee shall be eligible for reelection at the election immediately following the expiration of his term of office. Members appointed to fill vacancies in the class committee shall hold office for the term for which their predecessors were elected and shall be ineligible for immediate election at the expiration of such term.
(Ed. Note. One or two points of the Senior Class Constitution requiring amplification have been called to the attention of the CRIMSON. The sections in regard to the Secretary and Treasurer being residents of Boston and vicinity were incorporated into the Constitution on the advice of graduates. Past mistakes seemed to show that this was the best method of keeping the class in closer contact with the College and the graduate organizations in Cambridge.
A precedent was also set last year of allowing other class officers to be elected to positions on the Class Committee. This committee does not' really begin to function until after leaving College and many men holding other offices might be just the type needed to carry on class affairs in later years.)