
Student Waiting Reported Generally Successful by Five Colleges---Social Distinctions and Inefficiency Are Rare

On the whole, the service which student waiters give is very satisfactory. For the purpose, authorities here agree there could be no better system.  --The Michigan Daily.


University of Illinois

Student waiting jobs in the fraternities are filled by fraternity men, not men in the same fraternity, but men "traded" with a nearby fraternity. As a result there is an utter lack of snobbishness in regard to waiters in fraternities, except in a few very rare instances. This attitude extends to the waiters in the sororities and public restaurants, many of the latter of whom are students.

Student waiting here is not as satisfactory as professional waiters would be, because in the fall it takes a while to train new men, and the men have 8 o'clock classes in the morning. Occasionally waiters take advantage of their position and impose on the good nature of those with whom they are working. Often they are late to meals. But all these objections are very minor matters; certainly of not enough weight to consider discarding student waiters.  --The Daily Illini.




At the fraternities there has come to be no distinction between the waiters and the non-waiters. Waiters are disposed to think themselves neither superior nor inferior to the other men. This is probably brought about by the fact that each fraternity, as far as possible employs its own members as waiters, and consequently the waiters and those they serve are more congenial.

Academic obligations interfere with the regularity of waiters' schedules to a great extent at noon, although the morning and evening meals cause little difficulty. Service is satisfactory is all instances in which we have come in contact.  --The Williams Record
