
The Student Vagabond

"British Imperial and Foreign Policy," Professor Haring, Emerson 211.

2 o'clock

"The Venice of Shakespeare, Byron, and Browning," (Illustrated with slides), Mr. Hersey, Emerson 211.


9 o'clock


"Juvenal's Satires," Professor Peterkin, Sever 14.

"The Later Empire," Mr. Hammond, Sever 18.

10 o'clock

"Mabuse," Dr. Kuhn, Fogg Museum.

"Establishment of the German Republic," Professor Fay, Harvard 1.

11 o'clock

"The United States and the Peace Settlement," Professor Schlesinger, New Lecture Hall.

'Rembrandt: The North Nations," Professor Edgell, Fogg Large Room.

"Wilson at Versailles," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.

12 o'clock

"Scheenberg," Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The Balkan Wars," Professor Langer, Harvard 6.

"Refraction of Light," Professor Black, Jefferson Physics Laboratory 250.

"The Statute of Apprentices," Professor Usher, Widener U.

"Italian Prints of the Renaissance," Professor Sachs, Fogg Large Room.
