"Raphael," Professor Post, Fogg Large Room.
"Speed of Light," Professor Black, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 250.
"Wagner," Professor Hill, Music Bldg.
2 o'clock
"Blank Verse," Professor Hillyer, Sever 1.
9 o'clock
"Aristotle and the Doctrine of the Mean," Professor Gulick, Sever 26.
"Heaviside Calculus," Professor Chaffee, Cruft Lecture Room 3.
10 o'clock
"The November Revolution (1917)," Mr. Vernadsky, Boylston 21.
"Byron," Professor Lowes, Sever 11.
"Henry James," Assistant Professor Matthiessen, Harvard 6.
"Le Theatre Apres 1850," Professor Allard, Sever 5.