

88 Awards Given in Form of Aids, With 36 Harvard Club Grants--Men From Cambridge Receive 27

George J. Eingelhardt of Naugatuck, Joseph O. Gadd Jr. of Wallingford, Robert S. Goodyear of Waterbury, Carl A. Passaro of Derby, Max W. Rosenfeld of Bristol, Arnold M. Sweig of Plainville.

New Jersey

Louis C. Farley, Jr. of Orange, Howard, A. Hoffman of Newark, Edward C. Malewitz of Trenton, Everett B. Murphy of Irvington, George W. Oettle of Chatham, Robert I, Strong of New Brunswick.


William T. Anderson of Hardin, Daniel H. Burnham, Jr. of Hubbard Woods, Samuel S. Greeley of Winnetka, John N. Hellmuth of Wilmette, Gordon Winlock of Glenn Ellyn.



Robert M. Drysdale, Jr. of Grosse Point, Herbert T. Ginman of Muskegon, James T. Murphy of Iron Mt., Ansel B. Smith, Jr. of Grand Rapids.


Kenneth L. Colton of Des Moines, Russell W. Harpner, Jr. of Ottumwa, George R. Poshr of Harnburg.


Frederick W. Lane, Jr. of Tacoma, Raymond J. Langebach of Spokane, Gibson B. Clay of Seattle.


George A. Hill of Seaford, Delaware, Robert Day of District of Columbia, James E. King of Leesburg, Florida, David H. Gordon, Jr. of Atlanta, Georgia, Audley H. Shoemaker of Augusta, Georgia, Thomas G. Cutis of Minneapoles, Minnesota, August G. Curtis of Minneapolis, Minnesota, August C. Helmholzh, 2nd. of Rochester, Minnesota, Theodore Smith of Kansas City, Missouri, George F. Tittmann of St. Louis, Missouri, Egbert W. Fischer of Butte, Montana, Paul J. Allen of East Barington, New Hampshire, Douglas W. Overton of Concord, New Hampshire, Ramon N. Svoboda of Prague, Oklahoma, Richard M. Ballou of Providence, Rhode Island, John B. Hickam of Galveston, Texas, Lemuel Bowden, Jr. of Norfolk, Virginia, John H. Gilbert of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Frank A. Welty, Jr. of Dubois, Wyoming, John T. Repun of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Lorne Rickert of Kitchener, Ontarie, Canada, Justin J. Thackara of Etretat, France
