Harvard Club of Louisiana. President: William P. Burke Jr., LL.B. '23, New Orleans Bank & Trust Co., New Orleans. Vice-President: Richard B. Montgomery Jr., LL.B. '25. 1304 Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans. Vice-President: E. Kirby Newburger, '21, 405 Cotton Exchange Bldg., New Orleans. Secretary: Randolph I. Newman '23, care of L. F. Rothschild & Co., Union Indemnity Bldg., New Orleans. Treasurer: Randolph I. Newman '23.
Texas Federation of Harvard Clubs. President: Louis W. Hickey '10, 623 Construction Bldg., Dallas. Secretary: B. N. Willis '03, University Club, Dallas.
Harvard Club of Austin. President: W. J. Battle, '93, University of Texas, Austin. Secretary-Treasurer: F. L. Jewett '00, 2007 University Ave., Austin.