
Thirty-Nine Milton Aids Given Professors for Work in 1930-31

University Professors Receive Grants to Enable Them to Conduct Researches in Their Special Fields Which Cover Wide Range of Study

E. W. Forbes '95, Lecturer on Fine Arts and Director of the Fogg Art Museum, for research in the best methods of painting durable pictures and the best methods of preserving existing works of art.

C. J. Friedrich, Assistant Professor of Government, for his preparation for publication of a new Latin edition of Johannes Althusius and a translation of selections into English, etc.

C. H. Haskins, Henry Charles Lea Professor of Medieval History, to continue his studies in mediaeval culture, particularly mediaeval collections of letters.

W. H. P. Hatch '98, Professor of the Literature and Interpretation of the New Testament. Episcopal Theological School, to obtain photographs of the minatures in the manuscript Codex Hierosol 14 in the Greek Patriarchal Library in Jerusalem.

E. P. Herring, Instructor in Government, to complete a study concerning the relations between organized groups of voters and the Federal administration departments.


Leigh Hoadley, Associate Professor of Zoology, for his study of the early ontogenetic phenomena associated with embryonic segregation, extending the previous study to invertebrates.

E. A. Hooton, Associate Professor of Anthropology, to prepare a statistical elaboration of data obtained last summer on the results of race mixtures in southern Greenland.

Grinnell Jones, Associate Professor of Chemistry, to continue his investigation of the properties of-solutions, with particular reference to their conductance.

Kirsopp Lake, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History, and Robert P. Blake, Associate Professor of History and Director of the University Library, for the purchase and operation of apparatus for the photography of manuscripts.

D. G. Lyon, Hancock Professor of Bebrew and other Oriental Languages, Emeritus, for copying, classifying, cataloging and studying the cuneiform inscriptions on clay tablets found at Nuzi.

J. B. Martin, Instructor in English, for the study of the history of the Scottish theatre from 1660 to 1767, in regard to the struggle for theatrical entertainments from the restoration to the licensing of a, theatre in Edinburgh.

A. G. McAdie '84, Abbott Lawrence Rotch Professor of Meteorology and Director of the Blue Hill Observatory, to study ice-storms and subcooled water vapor in an effort to determine conditions favoring the formation of ice coatings on airplanes and airships.

C. R. D. Miller '23, Instructor in Romance Languages, to collect and prepare for publication eighteenth century documents relating to America now in Italian State archives, and to obtain material in Turin, Milan and Paris for a study of the Piedmontese poet and politician, Carlo Bossi.

Fulmer Mood '21, Instructor in History and Literature, for his investigation of the early history of Anglo-American literature from 1527 to 1640.

S. E. Morison '08, Professor of History, for expenses in connection with his preparation of the next volume of the tercentennial history of Harvard University.
