

Through all the rain and raw mist that swallowed Cambridge in one gulp last night an old comrade came slipping along in the mud all the way to Lowell House where the Vagabond lives in the construction shack. This true friend of Vagabondia brought good tidings of the morning's adventure.

There have been days when the prophet of happy-go-lucky education drew up his program with a glitter in his eye. Sometimes lectures seem just made for the faithful and even for a smattering of Philistines. But no such small-fry to-day. For once the call goes out to all Harvard men alike; there's no need for special interests to lure the elect when Professor Morison talks at ten this morning in Harvard 2 on "The Founding of Harvard College."

Those who have listened to professor Morison's critical accounts of colonial history will be eager to hear him turn his attention to a subject so close to home. The cool manner in which he gets straight at the facts and his informal treatment of the theme leads one to expect a thoroughly original hour.

Other lectures follow:



9 o'clock

"Primitive Music", Professor Tozzer, Semitic Museum 1.

10 o'clock

"Pressure Politics", Professor Holcombe, Harvard 5.

"Founding of Harvard College", Professor Morison, Harvard 2.

11 o'clock

"The Growth of American Antagonism to Germany", Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.

"Chief Justice Taney and Federalism", Professor Wright, Boylston 22.

12 o'clock

"Judaism", Professor Wolfson, Emerson J.
