According to Mr. Hamblin, after his interview on October 16 with the President he wrote the following letter: October 16, 1929.
My dear Mr. Lowell:-..
This letter is in confirmation of my understanding of your instructions in regard to the Botanic Garden, as given in a personal interview this afternoon.
The Garden is no longer to be operated as during the past five years, but because of failure of the Visiting Committee to guarantee the proper financial support, it is now to be closed to the public and operated only for such purposes in Botany as may be decided upon later.
This means that the gates are closed to visitors, that the workmen shall be dismissed as rapidly as possible, that the heat be cut off the green houses, and no further expenditures be incurred during the period of adjustment. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Stephen F. Hamblin.
Two days later the President wrote the following note to Professor Hamblin: October 18, 1929
Dear Mr. Hamblin;--
I should make one or two small