"Tenancy," Professor J.D. Black, Sever 17.
"Inigo Jones," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall.
9 o'clock
"English Estates," Professor Pray, Robinson Hall.
10 o'clock
"Church and State in Soviet Russia," Professor Friederik, Widener O.
11 o'clock
"North Italian and Venetian Painting," Professor Edgell, New Fogg.
"Schiller as a Dramatist," Professor Howard, Widener B.
"Demosthenes," Professor Jackson, Sever 26.
12 o'clock
"Tertiary Times and the Building of the Existing Mountain Ranges," Professor Mather, Geology Lecture Room.
"Post Impressionism in Sculpture," Professor Post, New Fogg, Small Lecture Room.
"The Idea of God," Professor E.C. Moore, Harvard 1.
"The Arthur Stories in English since Tennyson," Professor Maynadier, Emerson A.
"Otto Ludwig's 'Der Erbforster,' with Incidental Remarks on Ludwig and Hebbel," Dr. Silz, Sever 6.
"Iphigenia," Professor Gulick, Sever 26.
"Industrial Policy: England: 1500-1700," Professor Usher Widener U.