The date of the Freshman Jubilee has been definitely set for the evening of May 29, it was announced recently by B. H. Ticknor '31, chairman of the committee. The festivities will start at 9 o'clock, when the dancing will get into full swing.
Efforts are being made to secure the services of Bert Lowe's orchestra and the Harvardians to furnish continuous music. The dancing will go on inside Smith Halls Common Room in the quadrangle where a wooden platform will be built.
The committee has decided to serve a hot supper, contrary to the original plans, at midnight. Food will be served in the Smith Hall Dining Rooms and also outside, where tables will be placed for the occasion. Supper will last about an hour, and during this time Bert Lowe has consented to play several specialty numbers. The program differs from past years in the fact that the Glee Club alone will sing during supper instead of the usual practice of having all the branches of the Instrumental Clubs perform.
According to the present plans, a song and dance specialty act will be procured from a show in town. This special talent will not be secured until a week before the dance.
The change to May 29, from May 24, the date originally agreed upon, was made so that the Jubilee would coincide with the appearance of the Red Book. The new date is also considered an improvement because it is followed by Memorial Day, a holiday.
The list of patronesses will not be announced for several days.
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