
In the Graduate Schools

Dean Wheeler's Report Explains Year's Developments

Many fields of research have occupied the professors connected with the Bussey Institution during the academic year 1926-27, according to the annual report to President Lowell of W. W. Wheeler, dean of the Institution.

In addition to the investigations of rabbits, in the form of two major problems, the subject of the fertility and sterility of certain species of rats, heredity and susceptibility to cancer in mice, and studies of the genetics of guineapig eye-color, many problems and diagnoses of sundry genre of plants have ensued.

In the experiments with rats, Dr. H. W. Feldman '26, as National Research Fellow, has continued his studies of fertility and sterility both within the species Rattus norvegicus, and in crosses between it and Rattus rattus. Several previous investigations have found this cross invariably unsuccessful, but Dr. Feldman found that under favorable circumstances normal matings can be induced between norvegicus females and rattus males, and that hybrid embryos may be produced. For some reason, however, these embroyos die and are either resorbed or aborted before the completion of the normal gestation period. The longest continued gestation for hybrid embryes thus far observed terminated in about 15 days, whereas a normal gestation should cover about 22 days.

Investigations on the adaptations of animals to high temperatures, as exemplified by the fauna of hot springs, have been carried on by Professor C. T. Brues. He spent the past summer in the field, making observations and collections in parts of Nevada, Utah, and eastern California, where he visited a considerable number of hot springs. The results of this expedition are now being prepared for publication.
