The following lectures today and tomorrow are of interest:
9 o'clock
"Paul Valery et la Poesie Pure," Professor Morize, Sever 14.
10 o'clock
"Wilson's Attempt to Preserve Neutrality," Professor J. P. Baxter, Harvard 2.
"Civil War and Intervention, 1918-1920," Professor Karpovich, Sever 21.
"Some Modern American Novelists," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.
12 o'clock
"The Architecture of Louis XVI," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall.
"The Naval Conference at Geneva, 1927," Professor J. P. Baxter, Harvard 3.
2 o'clock
"The Art of the Modern Theatre," Mr. F. W. C. Hersey, Emerson J. The lecture will be illustrated with slides of stage settings by Gordon Craig. Bakst, Joseph Urban. Robert Edmond Jones, and other artists and producers
9 o'clock
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