

In Touch With the Great Indefinite

Craig. Is it happy at Margery's?

Tutor. Swell. . . . I am growing tired now.

Craig Before you go, tell me this. Will you give me a conference some time before my divisional examinations.

Tutor. We are all very, very happy here.

* * * * * *


I never saw Craig again. But tucked away in a secret drawer of my desk is something that I would not part with for many a cigarette coupon. It is a yellow, faded clipping from the Dybbuk. Vermont. "Self-starter." Tenderly I unfold the old creases and read the" words again:

"A thunder shower passed over here about three o'clock Wednesday afternoon, lightning striking several orchards."

For Craig, my friend Craig, is safe. He has taken the veil.
