
Elis Expound Varied Theories in Diagnosis of Harvard Ailments--Many Blame Rum, Red Tape

More Irish And Less Arabians Would Help Says One Son of Eli

Andrew Gordon, Yale '27: "The squash courts aren't open on Sunday."

W.F.C. Guest, Yale '27,: Overemphasis in studies is the main fault in my opinion. There is too serious a view of life at Harvard which detracts especially from the quality of the football team."

H.A. Haines, Yale '26: "No backs to the seats in the Stadium. Too interested in its disinterestedness."

W.E. Hoagland, Yale '26: "One thing which is disadvantageous to the College is that the University is top heavy with graduate schools. The club system and decentralization policy, which cause a lack of unity here, are all right for a certain type of man, who can depend upon his individuality to put himself across."

W.W. Hoge, Yale '27: "Metropolitan interests diversify the social aspirations of the undergraduate body, causing a phlegmatic torpor in undergraduate social life."


H.B. Hosmer, Yale '25: "Harvard is too split up. There should be a central campus and less individuality in the place."

M.H. Hovenden, Yale '26: "I repeat the words of the Boston Herald, that if the Harvard football team would only learn the fundamentals and play as a unit, it might have a chance of beating Yale."

E.H. Kieselhorst Yale '27: "There are too many red noses, blue nosos, and booked noses, and not enough ventilation in the squash courts."

J.M. Kingsley, Yale '25: "Too many derby hats."

W.W. Knight Jr., Yale '26: "Since when is a co-op a coop, and a Yard a Yad?"

W.K. Laughlin, Yale '26: Too decentralized, with a consequent lack of college spirit."

J.L. Luke, Yale '23: "Take studies too seriously, and do not take football, which is a serious subject, seriously enough."

Josiah Marvel Jr. Yale '27: "There is too much organization and not enough informality in the life at Harvard. I have also noticed that a man's club seems to mean more to him than the College, which may or may not be a good thing."

A.L. Michel, Yale '26: "I notice especially the lack of a unified spirit at Harvard, perhaps because Yale is predominantly a college, with comparatively few graduate students."

E.S. Peieris, Yale '26: "The only thing wrong is that Harvard does not appreciate Yale's superiority."
