Among the lectures of interest to be given today and tomorrow are the following.
9 O'clock
"Early Umbrians," Professor Edgell, Fogg Museum.
"Political Parties: What Purpose do They Serve?" Professor Munro, New Lecture Hall.
10 O'clock
"Recognition of the New States of Latin America," Professor Baxter, Harvard 3.
"Early Revolutionary Writers," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.
"The Foreign Policy of Peter the Great," Professor Karpovich, Sever 21.
11 O'clock
"Political Improvement of the American County," Professor Sly, Sever 8.
12 O'clock
"The Suffrage in Cities," Professor Munro, Harvard 6.
"French Gothic," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall.
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H. A. A. Discards Non-Scouting Agreement for 1928 Season