
University Building Campaign Reaches Height as Straus, McKinlock, Fogg Museum and Shaler Lane Are Completed

New Chapel, Natatorium, and Indoor Athletic Plant Are Now Proposed

The largest single cooperation now going on in Cambridge is the new Graduate School of Business Administration.

Sixteen buildings are included in the $5,000,000 group, and they are to be, when completed, an entire college in themselves.

Two other projects will be completed before next June. The John W. Weeks Memorial Bridge across the Charles at the foot of DeWolf Street, and the new baseball cage, named in honor of Dean Briggs, which will be started in October and finished by the middle of February, in time to be available to the ball squad for early spring practice.

New Baseball Cage Rises

The new baseball cage is to be located 40 feet west of Caretaker Dennis En-right's home, and stands on the four eastern tennis courts, just inside the corner gate of the Soldiers Field inclosure. The old cage, built more than 30 years ago, had long outlived its usefulness, and the new cage will be 160 feet square, large enough for even modified outfield practice. Outside the structure will be of gray stucco, to match the Stadium.


Buildings for which drives now exist, but for which funds are not up to their goal, are the War Memorial Church, which is to occupy the site of the present Appleton Chapel, and the improvements that are to take place, when money is available in the Law School buildings.

Among the projects for which there is a demand, but neither money on hand nor a drive, the two most important are probably the swimming pool and the new gymnasium. Both occupy prominent positions in Athletic Director Bingham's program, and only await the necessary cash. Some of this at least will be realized this fall from the sale of football tickets that have been raised in price with the express purpose of supplying money for the University's "athletics for all" policy
