The list of collectors for the annual Phillips Brooks House Drive for old books was anounced last night. At the same time plans were made public for the operation of the drive.
The drive is conducted for the benefit of the Phillips Brooks House Textbook Loan Library, an institution which each year supplies a large number of students with used text-books at the nominal charge of five cents. This year, about 1560 books were loaned in this manner by the library.
There will be collections by automobile from 2 to 5 o'clock on Friday, June 4, and on Friday, June 11. Books of all kinds will be welcomed, but text books are particularly needed. The drive is being conducted by J. C. Drier '28, Librarian of the Phillips Brooks House.
The list of collectors for the drive which begins today is as follows.
Middle Entry, T. A. Viehe '27, Room 19.
South Entry, R. M. Mears '27, Room 38.
North Entry, P. E. Berglund '26, Room 52.
South Entry, R. F. Knight '28, Room 16.
North Entry, A. T. Coyle '27, Room 52.
East Entry, D. C. Gates '26, Room 2.
Middle Entry, J. M. Dunning '26, Room 15.
West Entry, F. S. Moseley Jr. '26, Room 25.