

Jump of 150 Percent Record--Committee on Alumni is Vitally Interested

"2. From each Harvard graduate.

"3. To provide unrestricted funds.

"4. For the University's pressing needs.

"5. Beginning 1926."

The following statement was issued last week by the Committee on Relations with the Alumni, whose members are W. C. Bragdon '86, E. C. Felton '79, T. W. Lamont '92, President A. Lawrence Lowell '77, L. P. Marvin '98, T. W. Slocum '90, and William Thomas '73:


"The Committee on Relations with the Alumni a standing committee of the Board of Overseers, concerned with all matters having to do with the relations betweeen the University and the alumni, is vitally interested in the Harvard Fund. One of the strongest possible bonds between the alumni and the University would be these yearly contributions, with the implied acknowledgment of obligation to, and responsibility for, the University, and with the quickened interest in the welfare of the institution for whose benefit and increased service the contributions are made. A graduate who gives to Harvard every year a part of his income, however small, cannot but feel that he has an active and intimate part in her work and success.

"It is vastly more important that every graduate should give something than that the Fund should be a much larger one given by a few men of wealth. The really intrinsic importance of the Fund is the solidarity and team-play of the whole living Harvard force.

"This committee, whose sole function is to strengthen the liaison between Harvard and her alumni, therefore urges every man who has been to Harvard to send at once something--whatever he can well afford, whether it be one dollar or five thousand dollars--to the Harvard Fund, and to see in the future that this gift is repeated annually. His gift will be gratefully received, and he will have ample satisfaction in the feeling that he is an active factor in the service which the University is so efficiently rendering to mankind."
