"The amount of the Budget seems a subject which the Student Council should decide for itself. It may vary from year to year; it is to be hoped that with the increasing stability of the Budget as a college institution, it may annually be increased to the full extent of the ability of the student body to contribute to such charities as the Student Council may see fit to support.
"This committee has investigated certain of the annual funds which are usually subscribed by the College. The Phillips Brooks House will expect $4,000 from the College, and we see no reason why this should not be guaranteed to it by the Student Council. The Class Funds will require a varying amount, subject to certain difficulties which will be explained below, which can roughly be estimated as $4,000 per annum. The Student Council itself should have the expenditure of certain funds in its own hands, for the expenses of delegates to intercollegiate conference and for such incidental expenses as may arise during the year. This committee has agreed in estimating this to be $2000. Finally under the head of general charities, there should be set aside $5,000, this category to include the Student Friendship Fund, if the Student Council shall see fit to support this in the future, the Red Cross, Boston charities, and whatever expenses of a smlliar nature the Student Council shall decide through its Finance Committee to support.
"The matter of the inclusion of the class funds in the Budget presents no simple difficulties. The transition from one system to the other will undoubtedly work to the disadvantage of those classes which have already collected a fund for their college expenses. On the other hand, the merits of such inclusion seem so great that the difficulty assumes a minor significance. By arrangement with the treasurers of the incoming Freshman classes for the next three years, the transition may be completely effected by that date. This arrangement has already been suggested to the class of 1929. Perhaps the best solution of the more immediate problem, that of those classes already financed, 1927 and 1928, will consist in the contribution by each class treasurer of his funds to the Student Council Budget, the two funds being called upon jointly to meet the expenses which the class may as a unit incur.
Committee Investigates Camp Question
"Another matter which may well be considered in this connection is the suggestion that the Student Council should equip and maintain a summer camp of philanthropic nature for poor boys in Boston and the neighborhood. A committee consisting of Alexander Donald '27, chairman, Lawrence Coolidge '27, L. F. Daley '27, Austin Lamont '27, A. J. Cassatt '27 and C. G. T. Lundell '27, has been appointed to investigate the possibilities of such a plan. Upon the report of this committee to the Student Council, it may well decide whether or not to support the plan, and if this is decided upon favorably, the sum total of the budget should be changed accordingly.
"The sum of the incidental expenses itemized above is $15,000. With the possible inclusion of the fund for the summer camp, this would be raised to $20,000. It may be advisable, in the opinion of this committee to start the figure at the latter figure whether the camp is approved of not, while on the other hand it seems exceedingly dubious policy to give such a new venture as this too high a goal. This is a matter which should properly be left to the discretion of the Student Council, or to that of the Finance Committee which will actually have to collect the Budget.
"In the collection of the Budget lies its ultimate success or failure. The actual men who are engaged in carrying this out will be in such direct contact with the conditions and obstacles involved that they must to a considerable degree be allowed latitude in the procedure which they may employ. This committee has certain very definite recommendations, based on the experience of similar drives in past years and upon the experience of other colleges with a Budget, which are enumerated below.
Drive Should Be Organized Early
"The whole drive should be organized, both committees appointed and complete arrangements made, in the spring of each year. The actual collection will come in the early fall and will be greatly facilitated if the major part of the work of organization has already been completed.
"The first drive for funds will be conducted by the Budget Committee, of