

That only two of the 40 colleges which are members on the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America will be unable to enter men in the fiftieth annual track and field championships was announced last night by S. deJ Osborne '26, manager of the Harvard track team, and also manager of this year's intercollegiate meet. Plans for the meet which is to be hold in Cambridge on May 28 and 29 are rapidly being completed.

Special preparations are being made this year to secure a representative attendance at the games. The first three rows in the Harvard Stadium, where all of the track and most of the field events will be held, have been reserved for the colleges in the association which are competing. Graduates and undergraduates from the contesting institutions will be assigned seats in groups if they apply either to their own athletic directors or to S. deJ.. Osborne.

Groups Must Apply Before May 15

Choice for group applications closes on May 15, and to be honored must be in the hands of the manager of the meet on the hands of the manager of the meet on or before that date. In making seat assignments preference will be given according to the size of the applying groups.

Entries for the meet do not close until May 20, so that it is impossible to tell yet just what stars will be competing for the crowns this year, Several of last year's champions are still in college and are expected to toe the mark again when the opening gun if fired in the door season behind them and several record breaking performances already this spring the athletes who will probably enter are expected to make the fiftieth annual meet one of the most notable in the annuals of the association. Stadium on May 28. With a brilliant in.


Of the forty institutions which are members of the association, only the University of Cincinnati and Michigan will not participate in the meet this year. The others, Amherst, Bates, Boston College, Bowdoin, Brown, Carnegie, Colby, Colgate, College of City of N. Y., Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Fordham, Georgetown, Harvard, Haverford, Holy Cross, Johns Hopkins, Laylayette, Maine, Manhattan, Mass. Inst. of Tech., New York University, Penn State, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Rutgers, Southern California, Stanford, Swarthmore, Syracuse, Union, West Virginia, Williams and Yale, all have signified their intention of entering, and each college will be represented by teams vary.
