

Speaks on Behalf of Czech Student Union -- Outlines Itinerary

In a letter just received at New York, Mr. Paleuk of Prague, speaking for the Czeckoslovak Student Union, has issued the following formal invitation to the groups from Harvard and other American colleges and universities which will visit Czechoslovakia this summer:

"The National Union of Czechoslovak Students considers it a great pleasure to invite the American students to the Czechoslovak Republic during the summer vacation.... Our American friends may rest assured that they will be warmly welcomed by the Czechoslovak students.

Due to the pressure of applications at the New York office for membership in the different college groups visiting Europe this summer as the guests of the International Confederation of Students and under the auspices of the National Student Federation of America, Harvard's representation has been reduced to two groups of 15 men instead of three. The detailed itinerary for Group One has just been announced. It includes visits to Bremen, Hanover; Goettingen, Berlin, Leipzig, and Dresden under the auspices of the Gernian Student Union; to Posen, Warsaw, Vilna, Lemberg, Cracow, and the Upper Silesian coal and iron fields under the auspices of the Polish National Student Union; and to Buno, Blansko, Prague, Rovensko, Pelsen, Basle, and Nuremberg under the auspices of the Czechoslovak Student Union.

One week will also be spent at Geneva where members of the groups will attend either the student summer camp, or international school. The trip will close with a week and a half in Paris.

Group Two will visit the Scandinavian and Baltic states in addition to Poland, Prague, Geneva, and Paris. The detailed itinerary will be announced later. In almost every case the national student unions have arranged receptions and dinners at the more important cities visited by both Harvard groups, where there will be opportunity to meet and talk with student leaders and prominent statesmen and public men.


Application for membership in Group One may be made to H. W. Foote Jr. '27, Claverly 24 or the CRIMSON Building, and for Group Two to Max Habicht Gr. L., 35 Gorham Street.
