The plan to extend the scope of the Business School to include summer courses was announced in the recent report to the President of Dean W. B. Donham '98.
"It is our intention to establish a Summer School in the summer of 1927 which will offer courses in business to instructors in other institutions," Dean Donham said in regard to this matter.
"In these courses the technique of teaching by the case method will be studied and a large amount of material should be available as a result of the work done during the next two years. A number of men in other collegiate schools of business have been consulted on the development of this proposed activity."
Inquiry revealed yesterday that no definite steps have yet been taken toward the organization of this Summer School. It was also learned that although plans earlier in the year had been to open the courses for outside instruction this summer, because of the fact that the new buildings will not be ready until next fall, nothing can be done this year.
Dean Donham's report also takes up the development of the case method in the Business School. It says in part:
"At the convention of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Business held in Columbus, O., on May 7, 8 and 9, 1925, a considerable portion of the discussion was concentrated upon the case method of teaching. While the interest was keen and widespread, it was forcefully brought to our attention that this case material is not available in sufficient quantities or in the ideal form for use in teaching in other schools. Our own instructors have access to much more of this material than is now available to others, and are frequently able to obtain supplementary facts on cases under discussion which others cannot so conveniently obtain.
"The opportunity for improving the service which the School can render to other institutions in making this material available is so important that the Faculty has undertaken to devote considerable effort in the next few years to this problem. We expect to write headnotes for cases, to digest cases already in the files, and to index, collate edit, and improve this mass of material for the more ready use of teachers in other colleges."
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