Ambrose Francis Keeley of Fall River.
For Orator
Frederick McCurdy Eaton of Akron, Ohio.
Dwight Westley Champman, Jr. of Wilmette Illinols.
For Chorister
Richard Thomas Flood of Brookline.
George Sidney Stanton of Brookline.
For Ivy Orator
Geoffrey McNair Gates of Elyria, Ohio.
Donald Staley Gibbs of Charlotte, Vermont.
The preceding list of nominees for the various class offices was chosen by the Senior Nominating Committee yesterday afternoon. Additional candidates may be named by petitionary application, signed by 25 names. From these candidates and any others nominated by petitions before 7.45 o'clock tomorrow will be chosen a First, Second, and Third Marshal, and one man for each of the other offices. The election of a Secretary, Class Committee, Class Day Committee, and Album Committee will not take place until December 15, with the nominations being announced next Friday. The first election will be held on Wednesday between 9 o'clock and 5 o'clock. The polls will be in Harvard and Sever Halls.
Announce Eligibility Rules
The eligibility rules, as announced by the Nominating Committee, are as follows:
Men eligible to vote are:
1. All who entered with the class of 1927 and are now registered in the University.
2: All who are candidates for the degree of A.B. or S.B. in 1927, expect out of course students and men who started with the class of 1928 and who are graduating in 1927. 3: All fourth year Engineering School men who have not already obtained an A.B. or S.B. degree.
Voting Lists Are Posted
The lists of men eligible to vote have been posted and those whose names do not appear on the list and who feel they should vote may petition the Committee at the Crimson Building not later than 7.45 o'clock tomorrow. Any resignations must also be handed in by that time.
W. A. Magie '28 has been appointed chairman of the Junior class committee which will take charge of the polls on Wednesday, and count the votes. The names of the committee and their assistances will be published Monday.