

Course, Similar to That of Last Year Held in Peabody Hall, to Have Many New Lecturers

A lecture course on religious subjects, similar to that which was given last year, has been announced by the Phillips Brooks House for this year. An attempt has again been made to secure the most prominent speakers possible, and to arrange the lectures in such a way that the subject of religion may be treated from as many different angles as possible.

The lectures will again be given under the direction of the Graduate Schools Society of the Phillips Brooks House. They will be held on Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock in Peabody Hall and will be open only to members of the University.

Great Success Last Year

The unprecedented success of these meetings last year, which drew an average attendance of over 300, explains the renewal of the series. Of the score of lecturers included in the series last year, Professors Kirsopp Lake, F. G. Peabody, G. F. Moore, J. H. Woods, and Dean Sperry are the only men who will be presented again this year.

The list of lectures follows:


October 4--"Religion of College Men", by Clifford H. Moore '89. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

October 11--"Religion, Its History", by Professor G. F. Moore, Hon. '06.

October 18--"Religion, Its Philosophy", by Professor J. H. Woods '87, Chairman of the Department of Philosophy.

October 25--"Religion, Its Psychology", by J. B. Pratt, G. '99, Professor of Psychology at Williams College.

November 1--"Religion, Its Basis in Economic Fact", by Professor T. N. Carver.

November 8--"International Cooperation", by Professor Manley O. Hudson, Hon. '10.

November 15--"Ethics and Religion", by Professor-Emeritus G. H. Palmer '64.

November 22--"Survival After Death, Spiritualism", by Morton Prince '75, President and Editor of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

November 29--"Religion and Health", by Professor R. C. Cabot '89.

December 6--"Relative Values of Religion", by Professor R. B. Perry, G. '98.
