The Faculty talk of the spirity, that gone,
And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But little we'll care, if they'll let him sleep on,
In the grave where a Sophomore laid him.
This time that over heavy task were done,
And I would advise our retiring, Or we'll hear the voice of some savage one.
For the ring-leader gruffly inquiring.
Dirge Follows Oration
The coffin was then lowered into the grave, and while the sextons filled it up, the class united in singing the following dirge, to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne":-
Ah! Woe betide the luckless time.
When manly sports decay, And football stigmatized as crime, Must sadly pass away.
Beneath this sod we lay you down, This seen of glorious fight.
With dismal groans and yells we'll drown Your mournful burial rite.
For sixty-three will never see Such a cruel murder done,
And not proclaim the deed of shame, No! Let's unlte as one.
Cheeru ware then given for the Senior and Junior classes, and groaus for the Faculty, after which the procession marched home singing their old College songs, and the crowd which had gathered dispersed.