For two days the only crew rowing on the river has been the first Freshman eight, picked by Coach Haines from the experienced oarsmen among his candidates. The day before yesterday Coach Haines accompanied this crew in the launch, and yesterday C. S. Heard '25, coxswain of the University crew last year, did the coaching.
Besides this crew, which is stroked by Norton, a former St. Paul's oarsman, there are two other 1929 crews already picked, the second being stroked by Cole, last year Captain at Browne and Nichols. Coach Haines will hand over these three crews to his assistants, Heard and A. L. Hobson 2L, while he himself takes charge of the inexperienced men on the machines. He expects to have at least half of the candidates boated in the Leviathan by a week from Tuesday, and to have 20 crews on the river by November. The first three Freshman crews will row Monday as follows:
Red Crew -- Stroke, Norton; 7, Emmee; 6, Harkness; 5, Hamlin; 4, F. K. Smith; 3, Floyd; 2, Olmstead; bow, Ostheimer; cox., Miller.
White Crew--Stroke, Cole; 7, Bell; 6, Haughton; 5, Shearer; 4, Felted; 3, Chamberlain; 2, Dane; bow, Outerbridge.
Blue Crew--Stroke, Carpenter; 7, Thatcher; 6, A. Smith; 5, Lind; 4, Brewster; 3, Addoms; 2, Emmons; bow, Levick.
Class Crew Organized Monday
All oarsmen assigned to the class crew will meet Coach Brown Monday afternoon at the University boathouse, where crews will be picked and captains elected. It is expected that about nine class crews will row this antumn, bringing the probable total of Harvard crews on the water in November to 43.
The coaches have announced that men wishing to row, particularly Freshman, can report at any time. All coxswains among the upper classes are urged to report