Moeser and Jeffers, ends; Gates and Rosengarten, tackles; Davis and McMillan, guards; Bartell, center, will be the new line that will face the team from Annapolis. The reserve backfield, besides Slagle, consists of Caulkins, Bridges, Prendergast, and Weeks.
Nassau students are journeying to Baltimore en masse to witness the contest. Special trains are running to the southern city this morning, and the interest among the student body, according to Princeton officials, is keener than ever before since the Navy-Princeton struggle has become a feature.
Green Enters Preliminary Game
Coach Hawley's Green team will face the University of Maine eleven this afternoon on Memorial Field.
This encounter, the last of the Dartmouth preliminary games, finds the Hanover outfit top-heavy favorites. Next week's visitors to Soldiers Field have not yet encountered serious opposition, and it is not thought that Maine will be able to hold the Green backs in check.
Hanoverians to Save Strength
Due to the impending struggle with the University next Saturday, the New Hampshire team may not insert its regulars against the Pine Tree team, in which case the Maine eleven may be able to keep down the tallies.
Coach Hawley's chief worry at present is the dearth of kickers. Against Vermont last Saturday, only two points were gleaned on kicks after the eight touchdowns scored by the green-jerseyed men. Unless his kickers come along fast, Coach Hawley will be at a serious disadvantage in tight games. Tully and Sage, veteran ends, are the only members of the squad who are at all proficient at drop-kicking. The squad possesses no capable place-kicker, and even the kicking off has not been entirely satisfactory.
Green Has Solitary Punter
Oberlander is the only punter worthy of the name, and should he be forced out of the games with Harvard, Brown, Cornell, and Chicago, Dartmouth would enter every one of its games with a heavy handicap.
Eight lettermen from last year's undefeated team are slated to face the Down Easters today. Barring injuries, these men will also appear on Soldiers Field in Dartmouth's attempt for three straight wins over the Crimson.
Tully and Sage will start on the ends; Parker and Holleran at the tackles. Smith and Diehl at the guards. Davis will put the ball in play, while McPhail will call the signals to Oberlander. Lane and Horton.
Beaten Bear Tackles Bates
Coach Robinson's Brown eleven after taking a beating from Pennsylvania's Red and Blue outfit, will tackle Bates this afternoon. While the Maine eleven is hardly a set-up, the Bears are favored to down them on Brown's new gridiron.
Although beaten by Pennsylvania last Saturday. Brown's running attack showed great signs of power. During the initial half Pennsylvania was clearly outplayed and Kruez was the individual who offset Brown's brilliant team work by his still more effective individual performance.
Stifler is Browns Mainstay
Bates possesses no such brilliant performer and Keefer star carrier of the Bears should make consistent gains today. Stifler leader of the Providence outfit has entirely recovered since his early season lay off and should prove effective in throttling the sweeps armed at his flank.
William and Mary who is to furnish the opposition on Soldiers Field two weeks hence today takes on Randolph Macon at Richmond William and Mary with one of the South's outstanding teams should gain the verdict but then rivals of today are considered capable of pressing them