

How satisfying it must be these days to live in the super-state of Wisconsin, the kingdom educated by the intellectual giant Senator La Follette!

Prospective teachers at a county normal school were recently given an "identification test" according to the New York Times. Some of the answers were:

Ober-Ammergan A great German politician.

Herrin A title used in Germany.

Pinchot--A race horse.


Frances E. Willard American pugilist.

Obregon--A province in Germany.

De Valera--A bandit in Mexico.

Lloyd George--King of England.

Ford--Ran for President and backed out.

Helen Keller--A great airplano flior.

John Wanamaker--A watchmaker.

Mussolini--A region in the southern part of Eurasia.

Tariff--A city in France.

Leonard Wood--An aviator.
