But more devotedly inclined
Than these dry sentences reveal
That break in crude shards from my mind."
And the stanza quoted illustrates what he means.
Mr. Davidson belongs to a school of modern poets who are forever speaking in fairy tales, and dwelling on the horrors of death, and using exotic words, such as are classed in the dictionary as "obs," or "poet"--if indeed they are to be found in any dictionary. This musical bard uses many fairy tales, talks of dead skulls by the score, and uses dozens of strange words. But he puts music in his tales, puts hope into his talk of death, and chooses his vocabulary more for its sound, than for its meaning. Yet it is full of meaning, poignantly full, almost too full in some cases: for instance he calls a dance hall a "sudatorium." Look it up in a good large dictionary if you have one, or if you do not know your Latin roots.
Being more of a songster than a poet, Mr. Davidson can leave his music behind only at the cost of being prosaic. We want him to sing on.