

We aim to ketch him tew.

We aim to grab him by the tall,

Or pin him to the wall,

But when we reach the place he's at

Why! He ain't there, that's all.


-Marion MacCalman in the Gossip Shop, May Bookman.

In connection with the recent flurry at Northwestern University, over the fact that a few undergraduates pledged themselves not to fight in the event of another war, it would be pertinent to inquire what the word "pacifist" means today when there is no war in sight. Even in time of war there seem to be some fine distinctions to be observed ir, making such a definition. Mr. Norman Thomas's "The Conscientious Objector in America" is a book that is helping intelligent people to understand the type of mind that refuses to accept war as a necessity. It is rather strikingly dedicated to "The Brave, who went for Conscience's Sake to Trench or to Prison."

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