

Coach Cowles and Squash Management Give Out Standing on Basis of Work in University Tournaments

11. R. S. Wright '26.

12. J. J. Glessner '25.

13. E. M. Upjohn '25.

14. W. B. McIlwain 2L.

15. D. P. Kingsley 3L.


Dixon's place at the top of the list is undisputed. The University team captain has had an enviable record this winter, among other triumphs winning the State championship and being semifinalist in the national championship. Baker's excellent play toward the end of the season with his final victory in the University championship earns for him second place.

Choice Difficult

The next three men have almost equal records, making it difficult to choose the order of their ranking. Macpherson's first year in this country has been marked by excellent play, particularly in the University and Law School tournaments, which gives him the right to a high position.

The seventh place goes to Debevoise, who caused the greatest upset of the season by defeating Dixon in the University tournament in January; and eighth to Douglas, a consistent Law School player from Princeton. J. D. Du Bois, ranking ninth, has played as first man on Team B all season and was a finalist in the recent University championship tournament.

The Freshman captain, Rawlins, could play only in Class B tournaments and so, although very successful in those, could not be ranked higher. Wright was handicapped in the early part of the season by illness, but has recently exhibited exceptional ability.

The remaining four players are fairly even and have played good consistent squash all season.

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