Which spreading Groves and rising Hillocks bound,
The Num'rous Crowd, with wonder and delight
At once Confound, and entertain the fight."
The Team Comes on the Field
"When Lo! Six Men of Soards (a goodly sight)
Their Active Limbs, all loosely Clad in White
Move towards the Barrier with a Sprightly Pace,
A joyful Pride, fat Smiling on each Face,
A Crimson Ribband, trim'ly ty'd behind,
Hung from each Cap, and wanton'd in the Wind."
They Are Led by Captain Terence
"Young Terence led the Van, a blither Swain,
All that he hopes his Labours to be-
Is from bright Norah one approving Smile."
What positions each man played is not made clear. There probably were no assigned berths. The Soards had six men, as is mentioned above. These were Terence, the Captain, Darby, John, Hugh, Felim, and Daniel. It seems that there was a one-man band present for
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