

The game was old-fashioned football line plunging being the order of the day, and fumbling was very frequent. The Maine eleven carried the ball three times to within ten yards of the B. U. goal and B. U. took the pigskin the same distance twice, but no score resulted. The most brilliant piece of open field running that B. U. showed was when Henry carried a kickoff from behind his own goal to the middle of the field. Carlson and Hirtle were the only Boston backs who showed much offensive power.

Princeton 40, Amherst 6

Simple, rudimentary tactics gave Princeton the most impressive first-game victory in recent years. Confining his plays almost entirely to straight line plunges, the Tigers made six touchdowns, two of which quarterback Slagle scored. The entire Tiger backfield did much as it pleased with the light Amherst line. One of the features of the game to the spectators was the efficacy of Princeton's new system of silent signals. Captain Stout gave them from his wing position. The chief flaw in them seemed to be that they encouraged offside play.

The visitors earned 14 first downs against five for Amherst, most of these on straight football. The air attack was only fairly successful, five out of nine forward passes being completed. Amherst won its mead of glory as the only team to score against one of the Big Three on Saturday, when Pratt, the big right guard, pulled a Tiger forward pass out of the air, and galloped 30 yards to the goal line in the third quarter.

Brown 45, Colby 0


Brown was another of Harvard's opponents who displayed mid-season form in their opening games. Three elevens did what they wanted to a light team from Colby, and when the final whistle blew, 45 points showed the superiority of the Providence eleven. Not only was the offense strong but the Brown line gave the opposing backs the meagre satisfaction of two first downs, both of which were made through penalties.

In such an avalanche of scoring as this, it was hard to analyze any parti-

cular weakness or strength in the Bruin play. The wealth of reserve material found difficulty in eclipsing the feats of the recruits, two of whom, sent in as substitutes, seem to have won at least the right to start in Brown's big game with Chicago on Saturday. Smith filled the tackle hole left by the graduation of last year's captain, Spellman, and stopped every play that came through his side of the line. Keefer, who formerly played for the University of Michigan, proved a sensation in the backfield promising to rival Pollard, the greatest back in Brown football history. He ran rampant through the Colby line during the short time that Coach Robinson's substitutions allowed him to stay in the game.

Yale 27, U. of North Carolina 0

Captain Lovejoy of Yale duplicated Captain Greenough's feat in picking up a loose ball to score the first touchdown of the season for his team. Lovejoy's score was the first of four that the Blue team crashed over the Southerner's line, another coming in the first period, with the other two in the third and fourth quarters. The last two touchdowns were the most impressive, especially in view of the fact that the whole second team, made up mostly of 1927 players, took the field at the beginning of the second half.

North Carolina fell before the Eli eleven last year by the score of 53 to 0. Comparison of the two games shows that the Yale team this year, judged on the basis of the opening contest, lacks much of the finish and power that marked last year's championship eleven. Discounting the fact that it was the opening game, the several threats of the Southern team in front of the Yale goal post and the stubborn resistance that held the Yale backs in the second period, showed that Coach T. A. D. Jones has his work cut out for him. End runs and forward passes were the most developed items in the Yale offense, the first team meeting little success in off-tackle plays. When Allen, Bunnell, Scott, and Kline entered the backfield in the second half, they staged a procession that went 90 yards before they lost the ball. Yale's greatest scare came in this period when Devin, Carolina halfback, tore through a broken field after catching a punt, being brought to ground only on the 25 yard line
