

Crimson Wins Publications Relay--Pole Vaulters Defeat Weight Men--Base-ball Managers Victorious

About 200 men competed in the thirty-eighth annual Winter Carnival at Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. Interest in the meet was large, and centered chiefly in the four relay races of the afternoon. The meet was featured by the large number of places that were won by inexperienced men.

The CRIMSON team won the Publications Relay, thus retaining the championship which it has held for several years. The men who composed the winning team were Robert Worthington '23, C. R. Fordyce '23, Corliss Lamont '24, and A. H. Gordon '23. They ran in the above order. The baseball men, by superior ability and technique, won the managers' relay event. Raoul Pantaleoni '24, lead-off man for the winners, gained a lead-off man for the winners, gained a lead at the start which his successors, Morrison Mills '25, F. V. Crane '25, and C. P. Fordyce '23, retained in spite of the efforts of the crew and track managers.

Weight Men Lose Out

In a new event added to the program this year, the pole vaulters' relay team defeated a quartet of weight men after a hard struggle. D. D. Reidy Jr. '23, W. T. Reidy '25, J. D. Martindale '24, and H. R. Davis '23 ran for the winners and were opposed by H. T. Dunker '25, C. A. C. Eastman '24, L. K. Marshall '23, and M. A. Cheek Jr. '26.

The Freshmen won the interclass relay in spite of the strong bid of the Seniors on the final leg, when Vinton Chapin '23 nearly overtook R. G. Allen '26, who had been given a large start by his team-mates. The other members of the 1926 team were W. R. Chase, J. C. McGlone, and F. P. Kane.


The summary:

Hammer Throw.--Won by Brooks Stevens '25 (50 feet); second, C. C. Carpenter '24 (40 feet); third, P. H. Theopold '25 (35 feet). Distance, 162 feet 5 inches.

Discus Throw.--Won by M. A. Cheek Jr. '26 (22 feet); second, C. C. Carpenter '24 (scratch); third, R. H. Hallowell '25 (22 feet). Distance, 132 feet 7 inches.

40-Yard Dash, Handicap.--Won by S. B. Robinson Jr. '23 (3 yards); second, J. C. McGlone '26 (3 yards; third, A. H. Gordon '23 (4 yards). Time, 4 4-5 seconds.

40-Yard Dash, Novice.--Won by Robert Worthington '23; second, R. L. Brooks '26; third, Eduardo Sanchez '26. Time, 4 4-5 seconds.

Relay Race, Weight Men vs. Pole Vaulters.--Won by pole vaulters (D. D. Reidy Jr. '23. W. T. Reidy '25, J. D. Martindale '24, and H. R. Davis '23). Time, 1 minute 4 2-5 seconds.

Mile Run, handicap.--Won by A. L. Coburn '24 (90 yards); second, B. R. Cutcheon '25 (scratch); third, J. P. Anderson '26 (120 yards). Time, 4 minutes 19 seconds.

300-Yard Run, Handicap.--Won by F. W. Dorman '26 (21 yards); second, Arthur Bronstein '24 (20 yards); third, H. T. Dunker '25 (10 yards). Time, 34 3-5 seconds.

Publications Relay.--Won by the CRIMSON (Robert Worthington '23, C. P. Fordyce '23, Corliss Lamont '24, and A. H. Gordon '23); second, the Lampoon (S. G. Houghton '25, R. E. Sumner '25, C. E. Thorp '25, and Merrill Garcelon '25). Time 1 minute 2 1-5 seconds.

600-Yard Men, Novice.--Won by R. L. Brooks '26; second, R. J. Learson, '26; third, Samuel Joseph '26. Time, 1 minute 24 4-5 seconds.

660-Yard Run, Handicap.--Won by J. B. Broome '26 (20 yards); second, J. C. McGlone '26 (scratch); third, A. F. Jones 2E.S. (scratch). Time, 1 min- ute 29 4-5 seconds.

45-Yard High Hurdles.--Won by Jefferson Fletcher '25; second, S. M. Clarke '25; third, L. V. McMaster '26. Time, 6 3-5 seconds.

Interclass Relay Race.--Won by 1926 (W. R. Chase, J. C. McGlone, F. P. Kane, and R. G. Allen); second, 1923; third, 1925. Time, 58 2-5 seconds.

Managers Relay Race.--Won by baseball (Raoul Pantaleoni '24, Morrison Mills '25, F. V. Crane '25, and C. P. Fordyce); second, crew; third, track. Time, 1 minute 6 seconds
